Our hips serve innumerable functions for our body; they keep us upright, allow us to bear weight, walk smoothly, run, jump, kick, play. Since the hips are engaged in nearly every way we move, pain in this area can have debilitating consequences for patients. 

There are many patients who simply have a misalignment in the hip joint causing their pain and discomfort. When your hips are out of alignment, it won’t just cause pain and soreness in the hip joint area, it can cause pain in other areas of the body as well. The rest of your body may start to compensate for the hip misalignment, and it can cause pain in your back or your legs.

Common Causes of Hip Pain

  • Inflammation which inhibits range of motion ( triggered by injury or illness)
  • Bursitis or Inflammation of the sac outside of the hip (from trauma or overuse) 
  • Osteoarthritis, Arthritis, and Degeneration
  • Heavy wear and tear on cartilage surrounding the hip joint 
  • Routine daily activities or sports placing stress on tendons and ligaments 
  • Referred pain from sciatica or lower back 
  • Unleveled hips causing pain, weakness, or spasms

How Chiropractic Can Help Hip Pain

The good news is that regular full spine chiropractic alignments can often help abate and resolve hip pain before it becomes a problem. In our office, treatment options for hip pain depending on your diagnosis can range from spinal manipulations, passive therapies, lumbar spinal decompression, prolozone injections, to corrective stretches and exercises. Many factors play into selecting the proper treatment option for hip pain. There is not a one size fits all solution. After a thorough exam Dr. Hall would know which option is best for you.


Everything you do throughout the day could impact your quality of life. When you’re in pain, you’re less likely to remain physically active.  When your knee pain is preventing you from walking, exercising, doing day to day tasks or work – you can’t ignore it.  Avoiding activity because of pain can lead to weight gain, muscle loss, impact your coordination, and could affect your mental health and quality of life in a big way.

Chiropractic Treatments for knees

We have great success treating some knee conditions with conservative chiropractic care including: 

  • Manual Manipulations of the spine/ hips/ and knees
  • IFC or Electric Stim Therapy
  • PNF Stretching
  • Prolozone Injections (Ozone) 
  • Corrective Stretches and Exercises and Postural Modifications

Other more serious conditions may require imaging, or medical intervention such as a torn ACL/meniscus, patellofemoral arthritis etc.

Osgood-Schlatter’s Syndrome

Osgood-Schlatter syndrome also called Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is one of the most common causes of knee pain in adolescent athletes. The condition is most common in active boys aged 10-14 and is caused by stress on the patella tendon that attaches the muscle at the front of the thigh to the lower leg (Tibia).

It occurs when, following an adolescent growth spurt, stress from repeated contraction of the quadriceps muscle is transmitted through the tendon to the tibial tuberosity, which is a growth center on the bone. This can cause inflammation and sometimes an avulsion fracture of the tibial tuberosity and eventually results in bone growth in the tendon, producing a visible lump.

What Are The Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter’s Syndrome?

The symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter’s syndrome may include:

  • Pain in one or both knees
  • Pain when straightening the leg through the knee joint or full squatting
  • Pain on running, or going up and down stairs
  • Pain that eases with rest
  • Swollen tibial tuberosity
  • Red and inflamed skin over the tibial tuberosity
  • Loss of strength and bulk in the quadriceps

This condition is best treated with R.I.C.E.  (rest, ice, compression ,elevation), stretches and exercises to strengthen the quadriceps, Prolozone injections, and passive therapies.


8:00am – 6:00pm

By Appointment

8:00am – 6:00pm

2:00pm – 6:00pm

8:00am – 12:00pm

10352 S. River Heights Dr. #102,
South Jordan, UT 84095